The Clerk's Office has genealogy section located in the Deed Room
on the first floor of the Courthouse. Records include:

WWI Memorial and WWI Returned Servicemen records are available online via our under the Genealogy tab. Indexed data is free to search by using Public Login. To view documents referenced in index, you will either need to purchase a subscription to view documents, visit our office or contact our office for a copy. Public access stations are available in the Deed Room in the Clerk's Office also for searching.
General Information
The early court clerks kept Minute Books in which a record of all transactions before the circuit court were noted. Some years may be spread over several books, some years may be missing. Below is a list of all the Minute Books we have in our office. Click on underlined book titles below to view a PDF version of the book. If book title is not underlined, the book is not currently available online. If not listed as a bound book, PDF will be added in the future when the book is scanned. Click on years at the top of the first table to view each list.