Shenandoah County, Virginia
26th Judicial Circuit

Sarona S. Irvin, Circuit Court Clerk of Shenandoah County, VA
The Virginia Constitution mandates each county or city to have a Circuit Court Clerk’s Office governed by the Code of Virginia.
The Clerk attends all sessions of Criminal Court held, jury trials of all Chancery and Common Law cases, any other court session which the Judge requests his or her presence. This office is the official custodian of all permanently preserved records pertaining to Shenandoah County.

List of Essential Documents
Documents permanently preserved include:
All land transaction such as Deeds, Deeds of Trust, Mortgages, Releases, Assignments, Powers of Attorney
Probating Wills and Qualifying of Fiduciaries, Issuance, and filing of Marriage Licenses
Prescribing Oaths and Bonds as required by law
Maintaining certain Election materials and referendums

Storage & Public Entrance
All of the permanent records are continually microfilmed and securely stored in the State Library in Richmond, Virginia. All the records in the Clerk’s Office are open to the public, with a few exceptions.
While the information contained in the files is public, entrance into these files is performed or under the guidance of personnel in the Clerk’s staff.